Friday, April 8, 2011

Blood cancer stages

Staging construes the harshness of a victim’s cancer based on the extent of the original tumor and whether or not cancer has spread in the body. Staging is important for these reasons:

Staging escorts the doctor aim the appropriate treatment.
The stage can be used to make an approximate calculation the victim’s prognosis.
Recognize the stage is substantial  in identifying clinical trials that may be convenient for a particular victim.

Staging escorts health care providers and researchers exchange information about victims it also gives them a common term for appraising the aftermath of the clinical trials and analyzing the results of several trials.

Staging is depend on information of the cancer progresses. Cancer cells grow and divide without control or command and they do not die when they should. As a result, they mostly form a mass of cells or tissue called a tumor. As the tumor grows, it can attack adjoining tissues and organs. Cancer cells can also break away from the tumor and enter the blood or the lymphatic system.

By transport through the blood or lymphatic system, cancer cells can spread from the original site to lymph nodes or to other organs where they may form another tumor. The proliferation of cancer is called metastasis.Stage transfer explains the adjustment in the distribution of stage in a specific cancer population encourage by either a change in the staging system itself or else a change in technology which allows better sensitive detection of tumor spread and therefore more sensitivity in identifying spread of disease.

Stages of cancer
These are the stages of blood cancer.

Stage 0At this stage there are so many lymphocytes in the bloodstream but there are no other sign of blood cancer. Stage 0 is sluggish(slowly growing).

Stage I
At this stage of blood cancer  there are too many lymphocytes in the bloodstream and the lymph nodes are larger than normal.It is more advance than the 0 stage.

Stage II
At stage II of blood cancer  there are too many lymphocytes in the bloodstream the liver or spleen is larger than normal and the lymph nodes may be larger than normal and cancers are locally advanced at this stage.

Stage III
At stage III of blood cancer  there are too many lymphocytes in the bloodstream and there are also few red blood cells. The lymph nodes, liver, or spleen may be larger than normal.Caner is advance at this stage as compare to previous stages.

Stage IV
At stage IV of blood cancer cancer spread to other organs or all over the body the body.There are so many lymphocytes in the bloodstream and too few platelets. The lymph nodes, liver, or spleen may be larger than normal and there may be too few red blood cells.Caner is advance at this stage as compare to previous stages.

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