Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Cancer Cause of Death

Cancer is a leading cause of death all over the world, according to several researches by various institutes such as Cancer research institute (CRI) of WHO (world health organization). This report reveals many horrifying but reality-based facts. The major findings in various researches regarding this problem with statistics are stated below:
  • In 2008, about 7.6 million deaths occurred worldwide, that is approximately 13% or all deaths recorded.
  • The type of cancer and death numbers are:
    • Breast 460,000 deaths
    • Colorectal 610,000
    • Lung 1.4 million
    • Liver 700,000 and
    • Stomach 740 000
    • Over 70 percent of death incidences happened in low and middle income countries such as in Africa and Asia.
    • It is feared that this death figure will continue increasing every passing day and will reach to more than 11 million by the year 2030, (only twenty years from now).
    • Cases of cancer deaths doubled from 1975 to 2000 on global level, and will double again by 2020. And will triple by 2030.
    • Infectious agents led to 20 % of cancer deaths in developing and poor world. In rich countries, it caused 9 % of the total deaths occurred due to tumors.
    • There is increase in the incidence of death about 1 % each year especially in Russia, Indian and China.
    • Low and middle income countries will suffer from higher rates of cancer incidences and obviously more subsequent deaths than highly developed states in the world.
    • These are the reports for the deaths that were recorded. There may be more than recorded that remain unnoticed, since the patients in utterly poor areas have limited or no access to oncologists, surgeons and physicians. Many of the cases go untreated or not detected due to this very problem and the affected person passes away without ever consulting a medical expert or doctor.
    • Recurrence can also be fatal, because an area of body once surgically operated is not possibly to get well with continuous such procedures as there are many side-effects.
    • Another fact is that more than 30 % cancer deaths could possibly be prevented by getting proper treatment and a healthy lifestyle with proper nutrition. Other risk factors that could be well avoided are:
      • Tobacco consumption/cigarette smoking
      • Obesity
      • Considerably low intake of fresh fruits and raw vegetables
      • Alcohol- a major risk problem
      • Severely low physical activity
      • HPV (human Papilloma virus) infection that is sexually transmitted
      • Heavy air pollution in urban areas
      • Smoke arising from household solid fuels used indoors.
      • Early diagnosis can also help a great deal to minimize death chances in the patients especially with non-cancerous or benign tumors/lumps. In metastatic state, the treatment and recovery is too complicated with a less survival rate.
      • Minimizing exposure to carcinogens, infected syringes, and passive smoking can drastically reduce the chances of disease
      • Treating and removing the infections, especially viral is another precaution that can help a lot. It will make sure that the infection is no more there that could have been led to the development of tumor.
Action must be taken
To decrease the death rate by cancer, it is highly important to avoid all risk factors of the disease and never let it affect in the first place. Unluckily if it somehow occurs, immediate help should be sought form a certified oncologist and get the treatment started as soon as possible. Besides, people with a genetic history, viral infection and with tumors in the past should get a regular medical check-up, with proper screening and other clinical tests to make an early detection and stay informed with the medical condition a person has.

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