Sunday, April 3, 2011

What is Blood Cancer

A cancer is a status when body's own cells start behaving aberrant.Human body consists of different types of cells in different organs like nerves or blood.At times a normal cell stops admitting to the signals that ask it to stop growing. The cell persists to grow and multiply. This is a cancer cell. As cancer grows, the organ cannot work perfectly.

Blood cancer is one of the fatal cancer.Blood cancer is a popular form for malignancy which incursion the blood, bone marrow and lymphatic system.These malignancies have different diagnosis depending on the condition of patient.There are three kinds of blood cancer leukemia, lymphoma, and multiple myeloma.


The word leukemia associates  to cancers of the white blood cells also known as leukocytes or WBCs. When a victim has leukemia excessive amount  abnormal white blood cells are produced in the bone marrow. These aberrant white cells crowd the bone marrow and flood the bloodstream  but they cannot accomplish their proper role of defending the body  across disease because they are flawed.

As leukemia increases the cancer intrudes with the body's production of other types of blood cells involving red blood cells and platelets.This results in anemia which is define as low numbers of red cells and bleeding problem and increased risk of infection caused by white cell abnormalities leukemias account for about 25% of all childhood cancers and affect about 2,200 American young people each year.


Lymphoma is a type of blood cancer which includes the cells of immune system called involving cells of the immune system, called lymphocytes.Lymphoma is a set  of cancers that influences the cells that play a role in the immune system and initially presents cells involved in the lymphatic system of the body.

Lymph nodes are small accumulation of lymph tissue that occur all over the body. As the aberrant cells multiply they may collect in one or more lymph nodes or in other lymph tissues such as the spleen.As the cells persist  to multiply  they form a mass which is referred as a tumor.Tumors often surpass surrounding tissues by intruding their space thereby divesting  them of the essential oxygen and nutrients required to survive and function regularly.

Lymphoma can occur at any age.

Multiple myeloma

Multiple myeloma is cancer of the plasma cells in bone marrow.Plasma cells escort the body's immune system battle disease by generating proteins called antibodies. In multiple myeloma plasma cells become out of control in the bone marrow and create tumors in the regions of solid bone.The production of these bone tumors build it difficult for the bone marrow to produce red blood cells white blood cells and platelets.

This condition bring about anemia which makes a person very sensitive get infections and have abnormal bleeding.As the cancer cells produce in the bone marrow they can bring about pain and destruction of the bones. If the bones in the spine are damaged it can put stress on the nerves proceeding numbness and paralysis.Lymphoma is the most typical type of blood cancer. It is the seventh most typical cancer in adults and the third most typical in children.Lymphoma can occur at any stage of age.

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