Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Appendicitis Treatment

Appendicitis is a disease in which the appendix becomes swollen and fills with pus. The appendix is a finger like pouch that projects out from the colon on the lower right side of the abdomen. This structure does not have any known vital purpose, but that doesn't mean it cannot cause any problem. Appendicitis causes pain that usually starts around the navel and then transfers to the right lower abdomen.

Appendicitis pain usually increases over a duration of 12 to 18 hours and finally becomes very severe. Anyone can suffer from appendicitis, but it most often affects the people between the ages of 10 and 30. The basic appendicitis treatment is the removal of the appendix by surgery.

These are the symptoms of appendicitis;
  • Feeling pain that starts around the navel and usually transfers to the right lower abdomen.
  • Pain that becomes intense over several hours.
  • Softness that occurs when patient apply pressure to the right lower abdomen.
  • Intense pain in the right lower abdomen that occurs when the area is pressed and then the pressure is promptly released.
Pain that enhances with cough, walk or make other movements like;
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Loss of appetite
  • Low-grade fever
  • Constipation
  • Diarrhea
  • Abdominal swelling
Appendicitis treatment usually consist of a surgery to remove the appendix. Other treatments may be essential depending on the situation.

Surgery to remove the appendixThis surgery is commonly known as appendectomy. This surgery can be performed as open surgery utilizing one abdominal aciurgy that's about 2 to 4 inches long or appendicitis surgery can also be done as a laparoscopic operation, which includes several small abdominal cuts. During a laparoscopic appendectomy, the doctor interjects special surgical tools and a camera into the abdomen in order to remove the appendix.

Generally, laparoscopic surgery allows the patient to recover faster. But laparoscopic surgery is not suitable for everyone. If the appendix become ruptured and infection has spread beyond the appendix, so the victim may require an open appendectomy. An open appendectomy allows the doctor to clean the abdominal cavity.

Home remedies after surgeryIf the appendix burst, it may take more time to recover. During this recovery time, the patient can take these steps to help the body in healing after surgery.

Avoid energetic activityIf the appendectomy was done laparoscopically, avoid energetic activities for the first three to five days after surgery. If the victim had an open appendectomy, avoid the energetic activities for the first 10 to 14 days after surgery. Consult to the doctor when to go back to the normal activities.

Support the abdomen when victim coughsPatient may feel abdominal pain when he coughs, laughs or make other movements. Take a pillow over the abdomen and apply pressure before these movements to support yourself.

Call the doctor if the pain medications are not helpingRemain in pain exert extra stress on the body and decreases the healing process. If the patient still feels pain, despite pain medications, should call the doctor.

Get up and movingStart gradually and increase the activity as you feel up to it.

Sleep when victim feel tiredAs the body heals, patient may find feel sleepier than usual. Take it easy and rest when you need.

Discuss returning to work with the doctorPatient can return to work when he feels up to it. Kids may be able to go back to school less than a week after surgery, though strenuous activity like  gym or sports, should be restricted for two to four weeks after surgery.

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