Monday, May 9, 2011

Cancer Incidence

Cancer is a global disease affecting people of all races, irrespective of their health condition, region and lifestyle. Many people born with genetic mutation, a known cause of cancer never develop any tumor throughout their life. On the other hand some do get this fatal problem despite having no apparent or potential symptoms and risk factors. This clearly indicates there are some areas left to be investigated deeply into, in order to resolve this mysterious nature of this medical disorder.

Worldwide statistics
Figures vary a great deal from one part of the world to another, so is the number at any given year. IARC (International Agency for Research on Cancer) a department of World Health organization (WHO) gives its findings from time to time. Globocan also has many facts regarding the problem. These are stated here:
  • In 2008, there were 12.7 million new cases of cancer observed according to an estimate and these caused 7.6 million deaths worldwide.
  • The most common cancers are of the lung, breast and colorectal.
  • 1.61 million people were affected by lung cancer that is about 12.7% of the total patients.
  • 1.38 million individuals got breast cancer, both genders but mostly women. (10.9 % of all)
  • 1.23 million people suffered from colorectal cancer. This becomes 9.7% of all cancer cases registered the world over.
  • Lung, stomach and liver cancers are the most common causes of deaths all over the globe.
The report not only gave recent incidence rates but also predicted cases to be occur in the next two or three decades.
  • There will be almost 21.4 million new cases detected on annual basis by year 2030. These will lead to 13.2 million deaths in all parts of the world.
  • Each year 10.9 million people are diagnosed with cancer. Most of them, about 45 % are in Asia because of large size of population (by cancer institute UK). It states the rates in the form of a table given below. These are for the year 2002.

New cases diagnosed
Latin America & The Caribbean838,0008
Northern America1,570,50014
Developed countries5,016,10046
Developing countries5,827,50054
World(the total)10,862,500100

As the table indicates, Asia has the highest cancer incidences in the world. Since, it is densely populated than other continents especially its two countries China and India, there are ultimately more cases. Europe is after that, as the figures reveal. North America is ranked number three, followed by Latin America & the Caribbean, Africa and Oceania respectively.
  • There is fivefold difference in the incidences of males all over the world.
  • For females the rate difference is four-fold.
  • U.S, Hungary and New Zealand have highest occurrences of cancerous malignancies among men.
  • Niger, Congo and Gambia have the lowest tumor diseases of all types.
  • U.S, Israel and New Zealand have the highest incidence rates among females
  • Oman, Gambia and Tunisia have lowest rates of tumor in women.
  • United Kingdom is ranked 25th in the world in male and 8th in females.
Despite having ten times more health facilities, developed world is no exception and if not in all cancers, many of the countries there have the highest rate in specific type of cancers as compared to Africa, the poorest of all and (South) Asia the second backward region. The reasons are evident and discussed in detail through various forums. Many institutes are funding heavily to conduct researches on the new discoveries, treatment options as well as past, current and future statistics of this ruthless disease.

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