Thursday, February 26, 2015

Dr. John Allen proves Superbug Existence since 1987

According to recent interview of Dr. John Allen by CNN, the presence of superbug is not new and present since year 1987. See for how many decades USA Food and Drug Administration Authority is sleeping with pills on this case. Doctor said that a patient came to his office and reported symptoms. He got it tested and check from all angles and came to know that scenario is exactly same as SuperBug bacteria deaths in UCLA.

Dr. John Allen tried to find the source of these disease transmitters. After days struggle, they got the source which is none other than duodenoscope. It is used to see internal organs of human to trace down various gastric problems. Doctor is itself a gastroenterologist and uses device regularly.

FDA and CDC have proposed new instructions to clean duodenoscopes. Federal authority proposes that instead of cleaning manual of manufacturer, doctors should do that manually. Specially the transmitting and bacteria carrying points like bottom which routes down the throat of patient.

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