Saturday, February 14, 2015

Live Ebola Virus in Dead Body

According to NIH findings confirmed the ambiguity about life span of deadly Ebola virus after patient dies. Scientists experimented on dead corpses and come up with 7 days confirmed life of virus. RNA cells seem to last much longer and keep eating dead body till 70 long days.

Researchers alarmed the burial team of RedCross, NGOs and all charity organization about precautionary steps. Proper sanitary practices to be adopted while dead Ebola patients are taken care to bury. Dead tissues have live virus on surface for 7 days. And internal organs contain for 3 days.

International community is taking serious measures to stop spreading epidemic disease out of infected countries. UK has put ban on Sierra Leone for international flights to and from its airports. This area is very highly infected.

Ebola response director Sisay said that authorities are struggling hard to clear main urban area. Aberdeen is being scrutinized and about to be cleared in 21 days. After quarantining the area, it would be opened for international flights.

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