Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Good News - Cancer Cases and Deaths Continue to Decline in America every year

Every year a combine study is published for cancer patients, deaths and treatments. Yesterday press release was issues through Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) which shows good news and promises for better understanding cancer and its treatments.

This year's report is different than previous ones. Scientists has uses complete American data of patients from all over the hospitals for better understanding and statistics. Reports shows that breast cancer's all types respond in a different way to treatment under extreme care.

Molecular types of breast cancer in both men and women has four major types. They have different death ratios, treatment responses and recovery chances. Understanding these on all ages, poverty levels and different regions.

CDC Cancer report is prepared from year 1975-2011. It was completed by participants from Americal Cancer Society - ACS, National Cancer Institute - NCI, National Institute of Health - NIH, North American Association of Central Cancer Registries - NAACCR and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention - CDC.

These are four major molecular sub types of breast cancer. Their division is bases on HER2 gene and HR (Harmone receptor).
  • Luminal A (HR+/HER2-)
  • Luminal B (HR+/HER2+)
  • HER2-enriched (HR-/HER2+)
  • Triple negative (HR-/HER2-)

Overall the death ratios continue to decrease since year 1990. Ratio of deaths in men of America show decline by 1.8%. It kept steady in women. Slight increase is observed in children.

Tom Frieden is acting as director of CDC and MD expresses that this is moment of rejoice. All investments and study that Americans are doing has proved results and shows promise that we are going right way towards complete eradication of cancer from American society.

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