Thursday, March 24, 2011

Bladder Cancer Causes and Treatment

This cancer originates in the bladder, the hollow organ which stores urine. In this disease, abnormal cells multiply uncontrollably into the bladder. In 2010, there were 70,530 new cases observed that caused 14,680 deaths in U.S, according to an estimate.


Bladder cancer is characterized by:
  • Blood in the urine (gross hematuria)
  • Polyuria (frequent urination)
  • Pain during urination
Some of these symptoms occur in cystitis, prostrate infections and kidney cancer also. So, it must not be confused with other disorders.

What Causes bladder cancer?

Bladder cancer can be caused by these factors:
  • Smoking and Tobacco consumption
  • Exposure to carcinogens such as 2-Naphthylamine or benzidine
  • Frequent exposure to hair dyes
  • Poor intake of fruits and yellow-orange vegetables such as carrots
  • Severe deficiency of selenium
  • Considerably low intake of citrus fruits may trigger this cancer

How is Bladder cancer diagnosed?

There are several methods to diagnose:
  • Biopsy during cystoscopy
  • Urine cytology, a positive result shows the presence of cancer
  • Urine bound markers
  • Hexvix fluorescence
  • White-light cystoscopy

Treatment for bladder cancer

The treatment for bladder cancer depends upon the size of the tumor. Superficial tumors can be removed with the help of an electrocautery device, attached to a cystoscope. Immunotherapy is used as well, in the form of BCG instillation if the disease is benign. But, this therapy works in the 2/3 or the patients.

Chemotherapy is another option, especially valrunicin is used in bladder, to treat BCG-refractory CIS disease in the situation where cystectomy cannot help. People who are somehow affected with this cancer for the second time, it is really complicated to treat them.

For such patients, Csytectomy is recommended by most of the physicians. It is approved by the European Association of Urologists (EAU), and the American Urologists Association (AUA). A combination of chemotherapy and radiation is also used to cure this serious disease.

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