Friday, March 4, 2011

Sexual Harassment in Germany

Germany is one of the popular countries in the union of Europe and it has the third largest numbers of migrants in their home. German’s territory is followed by hard and strict Hitler and the influence of Hitler is still found in the Germans in now a day’s life.

German’s are influenced by the modern world and they try to include modernization everywhere, so it’s a real problem for the people who come from other countries to live in Germany and especially when it comes to language, Germans gives more favoritism to their language and if anybody living in Germany doesn't knows German that person is in a real problem and that person also faces acts of racism.

The rate of discrimination in terms of sexual harassment is low in Germany because of the modernization. So there are very few people around 5 percent of the population in Germany who suffers from sexual harassment, but hard 2 percent of that population is taken serious, otherwise no one takes the case so seriously.

The sexually harassment in Germany mainly occur in public by the masses and advertisements. People roam around naked on roads without any tension or pressure, and but some people comes from the narrow minded and conservative background so they always suffer from these kinds of activities. Even there are billboards and advertisements in which there are nude pictures shown of female and male genders and for them it’s common.

Everyone is uncomfortable and discriminated by the sexual harassment activities taking places in office and work areas, so just like everywhere in world Germans also face this problem. In work place many employers comes up with books and paper in which there are nude pictures and they keep exposing them to everyone in the office, apart from that there are sexual stories in the books and sexual jokes that they share without any hesitations and it makes the female staff uncomfortable, specially the foreign staff who is working with them, and even sometimes the female staff who are interested in getting a bigger post and if they find their boss cute, they start hitting on them and their boss also enjoys it, so they don’t take it as a sexual harassment they just take it as a common practice. There are only very few people who are aware of this and who take it embarrassing.

According to the German law the employees are said to take care of their employers from outside sources and from being sexual harassment by anyone who is a foreigner or outside person. So Germans support their own nation and they own people first and then they hardly give priority to others. The only cases which are considered and looked at are the rape cases which are at the extreme of sexual harassment and those cases are put forward to the law of anti discrimination.

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