Saturday, January 26, 2013

What Is Palindromic Rheumatism

Palindromic Rheumatism is also known as PR in medical abbreviated form. This disease is basically a condition that is developed after sudden rapid attacks of arthritis. The duration of the attacks varies from patient to patient. And their interval is also different in each case.

This causes sudden and severe pain in joints. It also causes swelling, redness and may possibility disability of one or more joints. But this does not damage the joints. The name of this disease is derived from “Palindrome”. Palindrome is a word which is spelled same forward and backward. It is names to express the feeling that the disease begins and ends in same way. And in Greek it mean “Come and Go”.

Palindromic Rheumatism is a serious disease and it affects person of any age. Below I am expressing these condition in form of pictures.

Below is the picture which is affected from Palindromic Rheumatism. This is left ankle. You can see redness on the feet and little bit on fingers.

Below is the picture of left arm that is affected from Palindromic Rheumatism. You can see the swelling and redness on the arm.

This disease have no specific diagnosis and treatment because its many symptoms are same and arthritis and after affects of few other diseases. The nature of such condition is seen in many other diseases also so that is why there is not specific method to diagnose it. This disease affect both man and women. But mostly it affects to the people of age between 20 and 50.

Palindromic Rheumatism has no specific known cause. And this feels very strange too. And some doctors say that it is an abortive form of #rheumatoid arthritis as acti-CCP and antikeratin antibodies are present in such patients.

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