Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Congressman urges to call on FDA House Committe for Superbug Bacteria Control and Reforms

After major incident in UCLA and two died of infection from superbug bacteria. These are transferred from medical instruments specially endoscope while doing treatment. The major issue is reusing those instruments. US Congressmen Ted Lieu and Dr. Calif has written a letter to house committee for investigation into matter of superbug control.

Ted Lieu urged the team of House Committee upon seriousness of matter. Obama has also made it a high risk and priority to stop spreading these microbes from patient to patient and find a cure that can work on superbug bacterial disease.

FDA and Center for Disease Control & Prevention has been working together with UCLA Medical Center to give extensive care to infected patients. CDC also warned that total number of 179 patients are at risk until a cure is found. National Institute of Health has raised more than $5 million funding to Denver for finding a solution to this dilemma.

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