Thursday, March 5, 2015

Fight Cancer with Extra Oxygen Doze

Researchers in New York have published a new research which can help doctors around the world to fight cancer cell in a better way. When a patient is given extra oxygen or inhales more, immune cell that fight cancer tumor grows more rapidly. And keeps tumor at bay.

Doctors can give supplemental oxygen also. It can increase chance for good cells to grow more and fight tumor. In New York, Dr. Michail Sitkovsky given presentation about sleeping good cells and awaking them as anti-tumor to fight disease. Michail works as immune-physiotherapy expert at Northeastern University of United States.

However it is good research but what if patient have no anti-tumor cells. Then oxygen doze will have no impact on cancer patient. The new research can change way of making drugs for future. Supplementation can also be controlled using A2A adenosine receptor. It can be extracted from caffeine or coffee.

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