Sunday, April 17, 2011

Treatment Facilities for Depression

Depression is basically feeling of sadness, but it becomes disorder if it lasts longer, it depends on the person how he/she tackles this feeling of sadness, but if a person is unable to cope it, it becomes disorder which requires proper medication and treatment.

And when it comes to medication then in a micro perspective every person and in a macro perspective every culture has different responses and has different risks of side effects for the medication used to cope depression.

Generally the severe depression diseases, particularly those that are recurrent, require antidepressant medication, along with psychotherapy for the best outcome.

Some times variety of antidepressants or combination of medications are required to be tried out, according to the effectiveness for the patient.

The selection of any medication pre-requires determining, patient’s age, his/her other medical conditions and medication side effects. However some of the common Antidepressant medications which are commonly prescribed, for the treatment of depression are for example:

Selective Serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRI): This medication increases the amount of neurochemical serotonin in the brain, which is generally low in depression. SSRI works by selectively reuptaking the block which is generally occurred where the brain cells (neurons) are connected. It has few side effects, is well tolerated.

As all patients are unique biochemically, therefore the occurrence of side effects or the lack of satisfactory results does not mean that this medication will not be beneficial. One more important thing is if in the patient’s family had already used this and have positive response, so then for the patient it will be preferable to try out this one.

Dual-action antidepressants: medical dictionary says the biochemical reality is that all classes of medications that treat depression have some effect on norepinephrine and serotonin, as well as on other neurotransmitters.

So the antidepressants which have robust effects on both the norepinephrine and serotonin systems are dual-action antidepressants, these medications are helpful for treating more severe cases of depression.

Atypical antidepressants: These antidepressants work in variety of ways and are effective in treating depression for many people. As they increase the level of neurochemical in the brain synapses. Brain synapses is a term used for the location in the brain where nerves communicate with each other.

However such type of antidepressant is also being used in the studies for treating Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD), or Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD).

Monoamine Oxidase Inhibitors (MAOIs): These are the earlier developed antidepressants. These antidepressants increase the levels of neurochemicals in the brain synapses (where nerves communicate with each other), by inhibiting monoamine Oxidase. Monoamine Oxidase is the main enzyme that breaks down neurochemical, such as norepinephrine. When Monoamine Oxidase is inhibited, then the neurochemicals are not broken down, and their amount is increased.

Tricyclic antidepressants (TCAs): These antidepressants are called Tricyclic because their chemical structures consist of three chemical rings.  TCAs work by increasing the level of neurochemicals such as norepinephrine in the brain synapses (where nerves communicate with each other). These are generally used to treat moderate to severe depression.

These antidepressants are safe and well tolerated when taken properly, however over dose of these antidepressants can be life threatening.

Electroconvulsive Therapy (ECT): This is basically an electric current which is passed through the brain to produce controlled convulsions. It is useful for those who cannot take or have not responded to a number of antidepressants and have a severe depression. Last remedy to cure severe and chronic depression.

Psychotherapies: there are various forms of psychotherapies which are used to help depressed people, including some short term therapies. These are for example:

Talking Therapies; helps to resolve problems through verbal conversations with the therapists.

Behavioral Therapies; helps to gain satisfaction through actions.

Interpersonal Therapies; focus to help disturbed personal relationships.

Cognitive/behavioral therapies; helps to change negative style of thinking.

Psychodynamic therapies; focus on resolving internal psychological conflicts which are typically rooted in childhood.

Other than these treatments there are certain stimulants which are used primarily for the treatment of depression that is resistant to other medications. These are most commonly used with other antidepressants or other medications and are rarely used alone because they may induce an emotional rush and they are potentially addictive drugs.

These were some of the most common treatments used for coping depression. Other than that there are certain precaution that must be taken by those who are prescribed by the physicians to use such treatments, for example if a depressed person is taking more than one medication for depression for any other medical problem then his doctor should be aware of the other prescriptions because multi treatments can interact competitively with the liver’s biochemical clearing systems.

Antidepressants medications are not habit forming, and the patients must not stop their medication too soon, especially when they begin feeling better because there is a risk that depression will quickly return back.

Some antidepressants especially MAOIs require food restrictions, so a complete list of prohibited foods should be obtained.

Finally there are various treatment facilities available to cure depression, so these facilities along with the precautions, a person victimized by depression should seriously opt to cure depression.

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